Spring into Clean: Home Maintenance Guide and Checklist

Spring cleaning and maintenance are more than just annual chores. They preserve your home's cleanliness, functionality, and longevity. Dedicate time to these tasks to create a healthier living environment and enjoy improved indoor air quality, enhanced aesthetics, and increased property value.

Why spring cleaning?

A clean home is a functional home, and regular maintenance ensures that everything operates smoothly year-round.

  • Enhance your environment: By tackling accumulated dust, grime, and clutter, you are prolonging the life of your home's surfaces, fixtures, and appliances. A clean and organized home feels better to inhabit, contributing to our overall well-being and creating a more enjoyable living environment

  • Improve air quality: A spring cleaning can ensure improved indoor air quality, as removing dust and allergens can relieve respiratory issues

  • Prolong appliance lifespan: Regular upkeep preserves the functionality of appliances and systems, extending their operational life

  • Prevent expensive repairs: Consistent maintenance helps catch minor issues before they escalate into costly repairs

  • Ensure safety: Regular maintenance uncovers potential safety risks like faulty wiring or leaks, allowing for prompt resolution before they pose hazards

  • Increase home value: Maintaining a clean and well-kept home can increase its resale value, proving to be a smart investment in the long run

Indoor checklist

Start with the interior of your home, consider every room, and don’t overlook any spots.

General cleaning tasks

  • Dust and wipe surfaces: Remove dust and dirt from countertops, tables, furniture, and other surfaces using a microfiber cloth or duster

  • Vacuum carpets and rugs: Eliminate embedded dirt and allergens by thoroughly vacuuming all carpeted areas and rugs

  • Mop floors: Clean hard floors with a suitable cleaner to remove dirt, stains, and grime

Specific areas to focus on


  • Deep clean appliances: Use warm water and mild dish soap to wipe down the interior and exterior of the refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher to remove grease, food residues, and odors. For tougher stains, apply a paste of baking soda and water and let it sit for a few hours before scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft towel to ensure a sparkling and odor-free finish

  • Sanitize countertops: Create a sanitizing solution by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar or using a commercial kitchen sanitizer. Spray or wipe the solution onto the countertops, ensuring full coverage. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to kill bacteria and viruses effectively. Clean the countertops with a damp cloth or sponge and dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Consider using a food-safe disinfectant spray or wipes specifically formulated for countertops

  • Organize cabinets: Start by decluttering your cabinets and removing any items that you no longer use. Group similar items, such as cooking utensils, pots and pans, and baking supplies, to create designated zones within your cabinets. Invest in storage solutions such as drawer dividers, shelf risers, and stackable containers to maximize space and keep items organized. 

Consider installing hooks or racks inside cabinet doors to hang frequently used utensils or measuring cups for easy access. Labeling shelves or containers can also help maintain organization and inspire culinary creativity by making it easier to find ingredients and tools when needed


  • Deep clean and disinfect: Scrub tiles, clean grout, and disinfect fixtures. Mix equal parts water and vinegar, or use a commercial bathroom cleaner to remove soap scum and grime on tiles and fixtures. Apply the solution generously to the surfaces and let it sit for a few minutes to loosen dirt and stains. Use a scrub brush or sponge to scrub the tiles and grout thoroughly, and pay extra attention to areas with heavy buildup. Rinse with clean water and dry with a towel. 

Use a bleach solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts water) or a disinfectant cleaner for disinfection, following the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the disinfectant to fixtures and surfaces, ensuring they remain wet for the specified contact time to kill germs. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a clean towel

  • Clean showerheads: Remove mineral deposits and buildup from showerheads to ensure optimal water flow and hygiene during showers. Fill a plastic bag with equal parts water and white vinegar, enough to submerge the showerhead nozzle completely. Place the bag over the showerhead, ensuring the solution fully covers the nozzle. Secure the bag with a rubber band or zip tie, allowing it to soak for several hours or overnight.

    After soaking, remove the bag and gently scrub the showerhead using a toothbrush or sponge, dislodging any remaining mineral deposits or buildup. Rinse the showerhead thoroughly with water to remove any vinegar residue, and turn on the shower to flush out any remaining debris

  • Organize medicine cabinet: Empty the medicine cabinet and sort through all medications and toiletries. Dispose of expired or unused items according to local guidelines for safe disposal of medications. Wipe down the shelves with a mild disinfectant cleaner or a solution of water and vinegar to remove dust, dirt, and germs. Once the shelves are clean and dry, organize the remaining items by category, such as first aid supplies, medications, skincare products, and oral hygiene items. 

Use labeled containers or organizers to keep similar items together and ensure easy access. Consider installing additional shelves or storage bins to maximize space and keep items neatly arranged. Regularly review and update the contents of your medicine cabinet to maintain cleanliness and ensure that only necessary and up-to-date items are stored inside


  • Wash your bedding: Launder sheets, duvet, pillows, and pillowcases according to the manufacturer's instructions. Check your linen closet and get rid of any torn or spilled sheets. Rotate the mattress to promote even wear and extend its lifespan, and if possible, vacuum your mattress and pillows

  • Declutter and organize your closet: Empty your closet and sort through clothing, shoes, and accessories. Donate or discard items that you no longer wear. Organize the remaining items by category, such as tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, and accessories. Use storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and hangers to maximize space and keep items neatly arranged. Consider implementing a color-coordinated or seasonal approach for a better organization. Regularly review and declutter your closet to maintain it clutter-free

  • Refresh your decor: Update your bedroom decor if possible. Swap out heavy winter curtains for lighter, airy ones to let in more natural light. Consider adding a pop of color with new throw pillows or a decorative rug to breathe new life into the space. Maybe adding new plants or decor that match the season

Maintenance tasks

  • Check and replace HVAC filters: Locate the HVAC unit, typically found in a utility closet, basement, or attic. Turn off the HVAC system to prevent any potential damage during the filter replacement process. Remove the existing filter and dispose of it properly. Check the size and type of the old filter to ensure you purchase a suitable replacement. Insert the new filter into the compartment, ensuring it is installed with the arrows pointing toward airflow.

    Turn the HVAC system back on and monitor its performance to ensure optimal air quality and system efficiency

  • Inspect and clean air vents: Remove dust and debris to maintain proper airflow throughout the home. Turn off the HVAC system to prevent dust from circulating during cleaning. Use a screwdriver or appropriate tool to remove the vent covers. Wipe down the covers with a damp cloth or sponge to remove surface dust and grime. 

Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove dust and debris inside the ductwork for deeper cleaning. Be sure to reach as far into the ducts as possible to ensure thorough cleaning. Once the vent covers and ducts are clean, replace the covers and turn the HVAC system back on. Regularly inspect and clean air vents to maintain proper airflow and improve indoor air quality throughout your home

  • Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Locate all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Press the test button on each device to verify that the alarm sounds loudly and clearly. If the alarm does not sound, replace the batteries immediately and retest the device.

    Consider installing interconnected smoke detectors so that when one alarm sounds, all alarms throughout the home will sound, providing early warning in case of fire or carbon monoxide detection. Remember to test these devices regularly, ideally once a month, to ensure they are functioning properly

Most Overlooked Places

Even the most diligent cleaners can overlook certain areas during spring cleaning. Take a moment to focus on commonly missed spots.

  • Baseboards and crown molding: These areas often accumulate dust and grime unnoticed. Use a damp cloth or vacuum attachment to thoroughly clean along baseboards and wipe down crown molding to restore their appearance

  • Light fixtures and ceiling fans: Dust and dirt can collect on light fixtures and ceiling fan blades, affecting air quality and efficiency. Use a microfiber cloth or duster to clean both, this will give you better illumination and air circulation

  • Areas behind and under large furniture: Dust bunnies and debris accumulate in these hidden spaces. Move furniture aside and vacuum or sweep the floor underneath, then wipe down the surfaces to eliminate buildup

  • Inside appliances: Clean inside appliances such as the refrigerator and oven, removing spills and food residues to maintain optimal performance and hygiene. Neglecting to clean these components can lead to reduced efficiency and potential breakdowns. Use a vacuum or coil brush to remove dust and debris from refrigerator coils, and wash or replace oven hood filters to ensure proper ventilation and prolong their lifespan

Outdoor Checklist

With the interior shining bright, give the outside some attention

General cleaning tasks

  • Pressure wash siding, decks, and driveways: Clear the area of any obstacles and cover nearby plants or delicate surfaces to protect them from the force of the water. Begin with the siding, starting from the top and working your way down to avoid streaking. Use a low-pressure nozzle to prevent damage to the siding material. Move on to the decks and driveways, adjusting the pressure as needed for different surfaces. Pay close attention to areas with stubborn stains or mildew growth, and use a detergent solution or specialized cleaner if necessary

  • Clean windows and screens: Remove window screens and place them on a flat surface. Use a soft brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner or a handheld brush to remove loose dirt and debris from both sides of the screens. Mix a solution of warm water and mild dish soap. Dip a soft sponge or cloth into the soapy water and gently scrub the screens to remove any remaining dirt or grime. Rinse the screens thoroughly with clean water and allow them to air dry before reinstalling them.

For the windows, start by vacuuming or dusting the window sills and frames to remove any loose debris. Use a window cleaning solution or a mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the glass surface and use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the cleaning solution, working from top to bottom in a zigzag motion to prevent streaks. For stubborn spots or residue, use a solution of equal parts water and rubbing alcohol or a commercial glass cleaner. Finally, dry the windows with a clean, lint-free cloth to get a streak-free shine

  • Clear gutters and downspouts: Gather the necessary equipment, including a sturdy ladder, work gloves, a garden trowel or scoop, and a bucket or tarp to collect debris. Position the ladder securely on a level surface near the gutters, ensuring it is tall enough to reach the gutters safely. Begin by clearing debris from the gutters, starting at one end and working your way along the length of the gutter. Use the garden trowel or scoop to remove leaves, twigs, and other debris, placing it into the bucket or onto a tarp for disposal.

Once the gutters are clear, move on to the downspouts. Use the garden trowel or scoop to remove any debris that may be blocking the entrance to the downspout. You can also use a plumber's snake or a hose with a high-pressure nozzle to flush out any stubborn clogs. Ensure that water flows freely through the downspouts and away from the foundation of your home. After clearing the gutters and downspouts, inspect them for any damage, such as loose or damaged sections, and make any necessary repairs

Specific areas to focus on

  • Yard: Trim trees and bushes using sharp pruning shears or a pruning saw, removing any dead or overgrown branches to promote healthy growth and enhance the overall appearance of your landscaping. Use a rake to gather leaves and debris from the lawn, flower beds, and pathways, ensuring a neat appearance. Tidy up flower beds by removing weeds, dead plants, and debris, and consider adding fresh mulch or soil to nourish your plants and improve soil health

  • Roof and foundation: Inspect the roof, looking for missing or damaged shingles, signs of water damage, and any areas where the roof may be sagging or uneven. If you notice any issues, make arrangements to have them repaired by a professional roofer as soon as possible to prevent leaks and further damage.

Inspect the foundation of your home for any cracks or damage. Pay close attention to areas where the foundation meets the ground and around windows, doors, and other openings. If you notice any cracks or signs of settlement, consult with a foundation repair specialist to determine the best course of action for repair.

Use weatherstripping or caulking to seal any gaps or cracks around windows and doors to prevent drafts and pests from entering your home. Pay close attention to areas where the seal may have deteriorated or become damaged over time

  • Garage and sheds: Clear out clutter and organize stored items. Dispose of no longer needed or functional items, and invest in storage solutions to keep tools and equipment neatly arranged. Sweep the floors to remove dust and debris and clear out any cobwebs from corners and overhead areas.

Inspect the space for signs of pests and take steps to prevent infestations. Seal any cracks or openings where pests may enter, and use pest deterrents such as traps or repellents as needed

Maintenance tasks

  • Check and clean outdoor lighting: Turn off the power to the outdoor lighting fixtures to ensure safety during the cleaning process. Use a ladder to safely access each fixture, following the manufacturer's instructions for proper maintenance. Remove any dirt, dust, or debris from the surface of the fixtures using a soft cloth or sponge dampened with water and mild soap. Consider using a gentle cleaner designed for outdoor lighting fixtures for stubborn stains or buildup.

Inspect the bulbs to ensure they are intact and functioning properly. Replace any burnt-out bulbs with new ones of the appropriate wattage and type. Check the wiring and connections to ensure they are secure and free from damage or corrosion. If any wiring issues are detected, consult with a qualified electrician for repairs.

Test each outdoor lighting fixture to ensure it works correctly and provides adequate illumination. Adjust the positioning of the fixtures as needed to optimize lighting coverage and minimize glare

  • Clean outdoor furniture: Inspect each piece for any signs of damage, such as rust, mold, or mildew. For metal furniture, use a mixture of water and mild dish soap to clean the surfaces, then rinse thoroughly with water and allow to dry completely. For plastic or resin furniture, simply wipe down with a damp cloth or sponge and allow to air dry. For wooden furniture, use a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub the surface with a mixture of water and mild detergent, then rinse thoroughly and allow to dry completely before applying a protective sealant or wood preservative

Remove fabric cushions or upholstery from the furniture and clean according to the manufacturer's instructions. Typically, this involves spot cleaning with a mild detergent or upholstery cleaner, then allowing it to air dry completely before reattaching to the furniture.

Once all pieces of outdoor furniture are clean and dry, inspect them for any loose screws or bolts and tighten them as needed. Store cushions and upholstery in a dry, protected area when not in use to prevent mold and mildew growth

  • Lawn equipment and garden tools: Maintain gardening tools, lawnmowers, and other equipment by keeping them clean and well-maintained, make sure you are storing them properly away from rain and dust. Check for signs of wear and tear and perform routine maintenance tasks such as sharpening blades and lubricating moving parts to ensure they remain in good working condition

Most Overlooked Places

  • Outdoor faucets: Outdoor faucets and hose bibs can become clogged with debris and mineral deposits, reducing water flow and potential leaks. Inspect outdoor faucets regularly and use a brush or scrubber to remove any buildup around the spout and handles. Consider installing hose bib covers in colder climates to protect against freezing and damage during the winter months

  • Garage door tracks: Dirt, leaves, and debris can accumulate in the tracks of garage doors, causing them to become misaligned or stuck. Use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove debris from garage door tracks regularly, and lubricate the tracks with a silicone-based lubricant to keep them operating smoothly

  • Sanitize your trash can: Ensure your trash can stays sanitized to keep pesky pests at bay from infiltrating your home. Use a mixture of warm water and disinfectant cleaner to thoroughly clean the interior and exterior of the trash can, paying special attention to the lid and handles. Rinse the trash can with water and let it air dry completely before replacing the trash bag. Repeat this process regularly, especially during warmer months when pests are more active, to maintain a clean and pest-free environment

Protect your home year-round

Regular upkeep is key to keeping our homes in top condition year-round, and investing in a home warranty is one way to safeguard against unexpected repairs and expenses. Home warranties cover appliances, plumbing, and electrical systems that may not be included in homeowners insurance, providing financial protection against unforeseen breakdowns.

In addition to coverage, home warranties typically require regular maintenance to remain valid. This helps prevent costly repairs and ensures that appliances and systems operate efficiently.

Make spring cleaning a regular routine if possible. If tackling these tasks seems daunting, you can always hire a professional to do the maintenance and cleaning. Following this comprehensive cleaning and maintenance checklist will create a clean, healthy, and functional living environment for you and your loved ones. 


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