Tips from the Pros: Get the Most Out of Your Washer and Dryer

Can you imagine a laundry day without your washers and dryers? You won’t need to if you keep up with maintenance. By following expert tips, you can ensure these appliances operate efficiently and last longer, saving you time, money, and hassle in the long run. 

Proper installation

Installing your washer and dryer correctly helps prevent common issues like vibrations, leaks, and uneven loads. Leveling, spacing out your appliances, and securely connecting to utility lines are good practices.

In what ways do washer/dryer units align with the minimalist lifestyle often embraced by tiny house enthusiasts, and how can individuals make the most of these appliances in compact living spaces?

Washer/dryer units are ideal for the minimalist lifestyle of tiny house enthusiasts because they consolidate two vital household functions into a single, space-saving appliance. This dual-purpose design minimizes clutter and maximizes the utility of every square inch, which is crucial in compact living spaces. To fully leverage these units, individuals should prioritize models with high efficiency and compact dimensions. Incorporating smart storage solutions, such as fold-away drying racks or hidden laundry baskets, can further enhance the functionality of these appliances.

Adopting a minimalist approach to clothing, with fewer versatile pieces, also streamlines the laundry process. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring these units run efficiently, and choosing a model with multiple settings can cater to different fabric needs, reducing wear and tear on clothes. By thoughtfully integrating a washer/dryer unit, tiny house dwellers can enjoy a more organized and efficient living space.

Johanes Godoy from

Regular cleaning

Preventing mold, mildew, and lint buildup can greatly reduce unnecessary washer and dryer breakdowns. Clean the drum, seals, filters, and vents to help maintain optimal functionality. 

What is a step-by-step approach for cleaning washers and dryers?

Here is the step-by-step cleaning process:

Cleaning a washer:

  1. Take out any clothes or items.

  2. Wipe the rubber seal around the door with a damp cloth and some mild detergent to remove any mold or debris.

  3. Pour two cups of white vinegar into the drum, and run the washer on the hottest cycle. For extra cleaning power, add half a cup of baking soda halfway through the cycle.

  4. Remove the detergent dispenser and wash it in warm, soapy water. Use an old toothbrush to get into small areas.

  5. Use a damp cloth to clean the outside of the washer, including the control panel and door.

Cleaning a dryer:

  1. Take out any clothes or items.

  2. After every load, remove the lint filter, pull off the lint, and wash it under warm water with a bit of soap once a month.

  3. Use the hose attachment on your vacuum to suck out any lint and debris from the lint trap area.

  4. Use a cloth and mild detergent to wipe the inside of the dryer drum, removing any residue or lint.

  5. At least once a year, disconnect the vent hose from the back of the dryer and clean out any lint buildup. You can use a long brush or a vacuum for this.

Using the right products

To maximize your laundry, use the right detergents and products to keep your appliances in top shape. Opt for suitable detergents, fabric softeners, and dryer sheets to help avoid damage to internal components and maintain performance over time. 

Loading techniques

Many people make the common mistake of overloading the washer and dryer. This can strain our appliances and lead to premature wear and tear. Sorting laundry, distributing weight evenly, and selecting the appropriate cycle settings result in perfect laundry and a prolonged lifespan of your appliances. 

Maintenance checks

A regular maintenance schedule for your washer and dryer can help identify and address potential problems early. Inspect hoses, seals, belts, and other electrical components for signs of wear or damage to prevent costly repairs and replacements. 

What are the most important maintenance tasks to perform on a regular basis to keep a washing machine running efficiently?

Here are our washing machine maintenance tips to optimize efficiency and keep your clothes clean and fresh!

Level it. Properly leveling your washing machine is necessary to minimize vibrations during operation. Use a level on the sides and adjust the machine's feet to stabilize.

Detergent compartment | drawer. Clean the detergent drawer monthly. Remove it, clean it with warm water, dry and put back.

Leave the door open. After each use, leave the door of your washing machine slightly ajar. This allows air to circulate, which helps prevent mold and mildew from growing in the drum and seals.

Do not overload. Overloading your washing machine will put a strain on the motor and cause wear and tear.

The right detergent is a must. The wrong type or too much detergent can lead to soap residue buildup and poor washing performance.

Clean your machine. Every three months, run an empty cycle with hot water, add a cup of white vinegar, and let the machine run through the cycle.

Dave Park from Advantage Inspection

What are some maintenance tasks for washers and dryers that homeowners can handle themselves, and which ones should be left to professionals?

As a home design and remodeling firm with years of experience, we often update clients’ laundry room designs. Clients look to us for advice on maintaining their appliances, including washers and dryers. Here are some of our top tips: 


  • Clean the drum regularly with the washer’s clean cycle or run an empty cycle with hot water. Use a cleaning pack available in the grocery store, or mix your own with vinegar and baking soda.

  • Check your washer supply hoses if the water stops flowing; they have filters that may get clogged with debris.

  • Check hoses for leaks

  • Turn off your valves when you go on vacation.


  • Clean the lint filter after every use to prevent buildup, which can lead to vent fires. If you have a small handheld vacuum, vacuum the filter and filter compartment. If the vent filter is old and has holes in the screen, replace the filter with a new screen for better operation.

  • Check the exterior dryer vent flap every 6 months to ensure it is clear of lint and operating correctly.

    John Lang from Lang's Home Remodeling

What are the most common causes of washing machine leaks, and how can they be identified?

The most common causes of washing machine leaks include issues with the water supply valves or hoses, clogged or tilted drain hoses, damaged internal water hoses, broken or disconnected drain pumps, damaged tub cover gaskets in top-loading washers, and faulty door boot seals in front-loading washers. These leaks can be identified by checking the water supply valves and hoses for looseness or damage, inspecting the drain hose for clogs or damage, examining internal hoses for any signs of wear or disconnection, ensuring the drain pump is functioning properly, checking the tub cover gasket for damage in top-loading washers, and inspecting the door boot seal for tears or damage in front-loading washers.

Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can help prevent these common causes of washing machine leaks and avoid water damage in your home.

How can proper maintenance and care extend the life of a washing machine?

The average lifespan of a washing machine ranges from 10 to 13 years, but with the right practices, some models can last even longer. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to maintain your washing machine is by keeping it clean. Regularly cleaning the detergent dispenser and the drum will also prevent soap residue and fabric softener build-up, which can affect performance. Here are other simple ways you can take care of your washing machine to maximize its lifespan: 

  • Use the Right Detergent 

  • Do Not Overload Washer 

  • Empty Pockets 

  • Promptly Remove Clothes 

  • Regular Maintenance Cycles 

  • Check Hoses and Filters 

  • Ensure Washer is Level 

Despite your best efforts, there may come a time when replacing your washer is more cost-effective than maintaining it. Warning signs include excessive leaking, a drum that won’t fill, or a washing machine that won’t drain. When these issues arise, it’s important to weigh the cost of repairs against the potential benefits of maintaining your current washer. 

Don’s Appliances

Common washer and dryer repair costs

When your appliances are in constant use, occasional repairs become inevitable. Below are the most common components that may require attention, along with estimated repair costs:


  • Filter screens: $50 - $100

  • Dials and knobs: $50 - $100

  • Soap dispensers: $50 - $100

  • Plastic mini-tubs: $100 - $200

  • Lint screen: $50 - $100


  • Dryer belt: $50 - $150

  • Drum: $150 - $300

  • Blower: $150 - $300

  • Heating element: $200 - $400

On average, repairing a dryer costs between $100 and $200, although more significant repairs can exceed $450.

Washing machine repair costs range from $150 to $400. Front-load machines generally are subject to higher repair costs than top-load models.

The costs of replacing a washer and dryer can vary depending on the brand, model, and features. On average, a new washer can cost anywhere from $400 to $1,500, while a new dryer typically ranges from $400 to $1,200. Higher-end models with advanced features may cost even more. It's important to consider energy efficiency, capacity, and special functions when selecting new appliances to ensure they meet your needs and budget. Sometimes, installation costs should be considered if you require professional setup services.

A home warranty can help reduce these costs as it covers many appliances, including washers and dryers. With a home warranty plan, you can avoid the high expenses of repairing or replacing your appliances. Home warranty plans typically cover parts and components, providing financial protection against unexpected breakdowns. They often include service call fees, which can significantly reduce out-of-pocket repair costs.

Sustainability and energy efficiency tips

Sustainable and energy-efficient practices help reduce utility bills and minimize environmental impact. Tips like using cold water and air drying maximize energy efficiency while promoting sustainability without sacrificing cleanliness.

What are some effective ways to reduce microfiber pollution during laundry and protect our clothing from wear and tear during washing?

You can reduce microfiber pollution from your laundry to protect your clothes and our environment by washing with cold water, filling your washing machine ¾ to full, avoiding wash settings like the “delicate” cycle, which consumes more water, and finally, using a Cora Ball! Cora Ball is independently tested and proven to prevent 31% microfiber pollution. This is from a combination of preventing fiber fragmentation off clothes in the first place and tangling and capturing some of what comes off in the wash cycle, keeping it from flowing out the drain.

After washing, air dry your laundry as much as you can to further reduce the amount of microfiber shedding in the tumble dryer. Incorporating some or all of these best practices into your laundry routine can help your clothes last longer and protect our planet at the same time!

Brooke Winslow from Cora Ball

What are some products that can aid in the washing machine process, and what methods can be used with them?

While many people use commercial laundry detergents and fabric softeners, many contain harmful chemicals. There are many natural yet effective ingredients you can use in your washing machine to make laundry day easier:

  • Baking soda: Baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) is a natural mild abrasive that brightens, softens fabrics, neutralizes odors, and removes stains. You can pre-soak smelly clothing in a baking soda and water solution overnight. Or you can add ½ cups of baking soda to the washer drum while running a regular load with detergent or soap.

  • Vinegar: White distilled vinegar is a cleaning powerhouse that brightens, softens, and removes stains and odors from fabrics. Acetic acid is great at removing greasy stains. Add about ½ cup of white vinegar to a normal load of laundry as your washer is filling with water to use in lieu of regular detergent. Or, you can add vinegar to the rinse cycle.

  • Soap nuts: For lightly soiled loads of laundry, I like to use soap nuts, also known as soapberries, or sometimes laundry nuts. These dried round husks are the fruits from the soapberry tree and are an eco-friendly detergent alternative. Soap nuts contain saponins which act as a natural surfactant to remove dirt, and create a sudsy lather. Most come with a small fabric pouch with a drawstring. Simply slip a few soap nuts into the fabric pouch, add to your washing machine, and run a load like normal.

Basic laundry tips

What are some common mistakes to avoid when washing and drying clothes?

  • Don't overload the washing machine. Overloading can prevent clothes from getting properly cleaned and can even damage the machine. Sort your laundry by color and fabric type to avoid color bleeding and fabric damage.

  • Another big mistake is using too much detergent. It can leave residue on your clothes and make them feel stiff. Always follow the detergent instructions on the label. Also, pay attention to the water temperature; hot water can shrink or fade certain fabrics, so use cold water for delicate and bright-colored items.

  • Remember to empty pockets before washing to avoid any surprises, and zip up garments to prevent snagging.

  • When drying clothes, avoid over-drying them in the dryer. Over-drying can lead to shrinkage and make fabrics feel rough. For delicate items, it's best to air dry them to maintain their shape and texture. 

  • Always check and follow the care labels on your clothes. 

By paying attention to these details, you can extend the life of your clothes and keep them looking great.

Olga Balasa from Ageberry

What are the benefits of establishing an efficient laundry routine for families and appliances?

Tackling laundry doesn't have to be a chore, that is, if you handle it systematically. The best way to do that is through routines. Establishing efficient laundry routines will help both the families and their machines. Here's how-

  • Saves time: With the laundry routine all planned out, you will know when exactly you will NOT be doing laundry, this eliminates the "when" and "how" laundry questions, freeing up plenty of time.

  • Reduced Stress: The best part of being orderly is that you don't have to rush in to do laundry at the last minute, meaning you won't suffer from "last-minute stress."

  • Increased Efficiency: Doing laundry in batches reduces clutter and decreases the usage of electricity, water, and detergent, saving you both time and money.

  • Maintains Machine: Your machine will love being used consistently and correctly. Routine checks will keep your machine running smoothly and alert you of potential issues.

How can I optimize the performance of my washer for delicates?

Washing machine cycles have four basic variables - time, temperature, chemistry, and agitation. Simply put – the delicate cycles on a washing machine use lots of cold water and a low spin speed.

The major difference between delicate and normal wash cycles is agitation or tumbling speed. Compared to normal wash cycles, which use higher agitation or tumbling speeds for casual items, delicate wash cleans items using low agitation or tumbling speeds, along with cold water, for gentle cleaning and reduced wrinkling.

It's also important to avoid fabric softener when washing delicate laundry. Fabric softener may seem like a friend to your laundry, but in reality, it doesn’t provide any actual cleaning benefits. It doesn’t remove stains or eliminate odors from your clothing. Instead, it coats your clothes in a waxy, water-resistant layer that, while initially making them feel softer, actually reduces their ability to absorb water and detergent over time.

Mark Vlaskamp from

What are some innovative storage solutions for a laundry room that can help maximize space and keep the room organized?

It's always great if there's enough space to add a pantry or linen closet to a laundry room. These additions provide ample storage for supplies, linens, and more, ensuring everything has its place. A new trend is adding a base drawer below the washer and dryer, which offers extra storage and raises the machines for easier accessibility. This makes loading and unloading laundry much more convenient and provides additional storage space out of sight.

Additionally, simply adding a base and wall cabinet can significantly enhance the room’s functionality. These cabinets can store detergents, cleaning supplies, and other essentials, helping keep the space tidy and organized. With these innovative solutions, a laundry room can be transformed into a highly efficient and clutter-free area!

Ken Nelson from Nelson Cabinetry

By incorporating these expert tips into your laundry care routine, you can maximize the performance and lifespan of your washers and dryers. Proper installation, regular cleaning, and maintenance checks are essential for efficient and effective laundry care. Implement these tips and enjoy the benefits of well-maintained appliances.


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